Thursday, June 11, 2009

This is a re-post from June of 2007 #3

I was almost 4 months old when this debate was carrying on in the Vancouver Province. jnh

Vancouver Province, Saturday, June 20, 1953


King James Version

Defended as Best

Third article in a series by Rev. Mark Buch, of the People’s Fellowship Tabernacle, on his opinions as to the true Bible and its origin is printed today. Rev. Mr. Buch is one of the Evangelical Christians who so strongly oppose the new Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The Province prints these articles and the previous set on the Revised Version so that its readers will more clearly understand the tow schools of thought.

By Mark Buch

The truth of Verbal Inspiration has been a controversy ever since the Bible’s earliest writings and will be until the coming of Christ, but increasingly so as the end of the age draws nearer and the great apostasy increases in darkness.

Has God preserved His Word intact for this generation? If it were lost with the passing of the original manuscripts, then with it has also passed the doctrine of individual responsibility of God. Then at best we shall drift on and on until we become shipwrecked upon the dark reefs of eternity’s unknown night.

Happily He who has said:”all scripture is given by inspiration of God” also said: “one jot or one title shall in no wise pass.”

Origin Traced

We have traced the origin, the simple and romantic history of the perfect line of originals and copies. Theses form the basis of our present Authorized Version in 1611.

In 1515, William Tyndale took his M.A. at Oxford. Said he “If God spares my life, ‘ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth a plough to know more of the Scriptures than the Pope.”

For more go to -

Vancouver Province, Saturday, June 20, 1953

Bro. Jeff

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